I awoke with a start in the early hours of Saturday morning. Like an old-fashioned record player stuck on a scratch, my “to-do” list for the next few weeks was playing over and over again in my mind. I could see my calendar in my mind’s eye with very little “white space.” The series of tasks needing to be accomplished scrolled through my thoughts like a video on a repeating loop. I was certain that I was done with sleep for the night.
Then, almost as quickly as I awoke, a verse from scripture started to overtake my feelings of dread. “Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34). A simple verse within Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, this became my prayer amid those anxious early morning hours. By grace, sleep returned, and in the morning, it was that verse – today’s trouble is enough for today – that was still in my mind.
It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the Christmas holiday season, and here it is the second week of February. Life is full to overflowing with what can seem like endless demands – personal and professional. All that is required at any given time can certainly by overwhelming, but it is good to remember to live day-by-day, one moment at a time, one task at a time. In such, there is freedom to simply “do today,” trusting that tomorrow can indeed wait until tomorrow.
God Bless Your Living, Today!
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