For several years now, I have primarily thrift shopped for my clothes. It began as an occasional foray into thrifting, but has become a regular practice. Retail shopping for clothing, especially, is a challenge for me. I look at prices. I read labels. I imagine the sweat shops from which so much of our "cheap" American clothing comes, and I just can't do it, at least not very often.
Thriftng and consignment store shopping has made me keenly aware of so much that I previously ignored. It has made me think about the disposable nature of so much of our lives, and how relatively easy it is to alter one's habits, save money, and feel a little better about one's choices. I certainly don't expect that it is a practice for everyone, but for me, it is a good discipline. I would even say a spiritual practice.
Thrifting, however, has a downside as well. Because items in thrift stores are less expensive, it is easy to buy more. Why settle for one pair of black shorts when I could have three? Oh, I may not wear that top very often, but it's only a few dollars, so what difference does it make? Hmmm. Not really the outcomes I was anticipating.
So, I'm taking on a new challenge -- the 30 pieces of clothing challenge. What would it be like to live, for 6 months, with only 30 pieces of clothing, excluding undergarments?
But I need your help. What should the 30 pieces of clothing be? Remember, I live in a climate of changing seasons, and over a 6 month period, temps could range from -20 degrees to 90 plus. Also remember, I'm clergry, and in the work that I do, there are some days that I might need two different clergy shirts.
So, 2 clergy shirts and 28 more pieces of clothing. Help me out. What should they be? And you decide: are things like winter coats and fall jackets included in the 30?
I'll let you know how it goes!
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