Monday, January 14, 2013

The View From the Porch


I stood on my front porch the other day and did something I rarely do
Ok, I never do it.
I stood still
First one way and then another.

I looked up and down
Side to side
Back and forth.

It was not a profound act
It is something that I could do anytime I choose

But I never
Or rarely do,
Choose that is.
Choose to stop on my front porch and look
Look with the intention of seeing

But what if I did
Choose to look, that is
Choose to see

From a place
That I usually
Or quickly
Pass over
Or through

What if I stopped

What if I looked

What if I chose to see

And then,
What if I did it again

And again

And again

Day after day

Week after week

Month after month

What would happen
To the porch

To me

To what I see?

I think it’s time to find out

Won’t you join me?