Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Do you
Look upward
With such longing?
His footprints
Bear wounded witness
To the Word
And Is
And is to come

Firstborn from the dead -
To raise the dust
From dust
To Life

Firstborn from the dead -

You are
Witnesses to these things
Wait for power.
Make your own footprints.

When I Was A Child

When I was a child -
They are words of recollection
They point to what was
But is no longer
They are an invitation to reconsider the past
To look again
To recall
To reconnect with
Hurts and
Scrapes and
Secrets and

When I was a child --
They are words of retrospect
That breathe life
Into the dry bones of memories
Raising them from the dead
To dance with the present
And mingle their mysteries
With time and space
Intersecting the then
And the now
In a moment that
Was and is
And then is gone

When I was a child --
They are words of nostalgia
And regret
Commendations and condemnations,
Favor and failure,
Solace and suffering,
Bringing to light
The hidden and the holy
From the recesses
Of darkness -
Forgotten places and
Occasions of joy and
Frivolity and
Revived into
Bespoken animation -
Sojourns into the known

When I was a child -
The past tense
Looking back
And over
And past
And through
And then
From there
To here
From then
To now
From what was
Or might have been
To what is
And never will be

When I was a child
I was
That was then
This is now
Then I wished for now
Now I wish for then.

Charlene M. Rachuy Cox
May 7, 2017

Monday, May 8, 2017

Thoughts at the End of the Semester

Is next -
Tomorrow -
Hidden shadows?
Courage falters in ambiguity

Is not now
But yes it is
Solved by walking, St. Augustine declared

Walk I
Will but where
Will my feet go?
Paths untrodden - called, mercied, graced by God.

It so,
I wonder
Waiting, trusting
Hoping that God is with me as God said.

Charlene M. Rachuy Cox
May 7, 2017

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Good Shepherd

Voice calls them
Naming each one
They follow through the Gate to green pastures
From thieves
Strangers, bandits -
The Good Shepherd
Leads the way to life lived abundantly

May 2, 2017
John 10:1-10
double tetractys

Monday, May 1, 2017

Hidden Figures

   I finally saw the movie, “Hidden Figures” this past weekend. It had been on my “to-do” list since it first came out in theatres, but time - schedule - you know how it is. This past weekend, however, I both had time and made time to sit down and watch it. And then I watched it again. It is a compelling, moving, and challenging story.
    For those of you who are unfamiliar with the movie, it is the story of three brilliant African American women who were integral to the early U.S. space program. Without them, it would have taken a lot longer for the United States to reach space -- if we would have reached it at all.
    As I was watching this movie, my repeated thoughts were, “why don’t we know this story? Why, as we have celebrated the accomplishments of so many who were a part of the success of the space program, why were these women not named and celebrated too?”
    The answers to those questions are all too obvious. Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson were all women. They were African American women. In the politics of collective storytelling, their stories were passed over, deemed insignificant, not important enough to be told because they were not considered important enough human beings. In the politics of collective storytelling, they simply did not exist. Until now.
    While this movie has stirred in me once again thoughts about our own fragility as a people, our own brokenness that insidiously dismisses and oppresses those whom we would deem different, while at the same time we readily take what is not ours and claim it as our own, it has also raised much more personal questions for me in the consideration of my own life. These questions do not deal so much with racial and cultural politics; rather they are questions more of my own growing and becoming, and gratitude.
    My questions are these: who are the hidden figures in my life? Who are the people within my own story who have contributed to the person I am today, yet who go unacknowledged by me? Who has influenced me, formed me, shaped me? Who has helped me, guided me, mentored me? Of these hidden figures, how many have received a word of acknowledgement or gratitude from me -- ever?
    This past week, my mother who is 85 years old received a letter in the mail from a former student. My mother taught math and science in grades 7-12 for most of her professional life. She retired in 1993. The letter she received last week was from a student mom had in class her last year of teaching. Twenty-four years ago. The author of this letter was writing to tell mom that she would be awarded a PhD in just a few weeks, and of all the teachers she has had in her whole academic career, mom was the most significant. The most influential. The most important. Mom was a hidden figure in her story.
    Receiving that letter made a significant impact on my mom. All these years after this student had left her classroom, this young woman was grateful, and she took the time to express her gratitude. That expression made a difference for my mom.
    As you think about your own life, who are the hidden figures in your own story? As you think about this academic year that is rapidly drawing to a close, who are the hidden figures who have made a difference for you this year? Who are the hidden figures in the life of this University that make all of our days and lives together better?
    I know that it is an incredibly busy time. Papers are due. Exams await. Final grading is looming just around the corner. The campus is getting readied for graduation. Offices are preparing to transition from the work required during the academic year to the work that awaits during the summer months.
I know that it is busy, but why not take just a few minutes to send a note to at least one of the hidden figures in your life -- either here at Valpo or elsewhere? It will be time well spent. It will make someone’s day. It will make a difference. After all, gratitude costs nothing but gives much.
If you are unsure what to say, the Letter to the Philippians in the Christian Scriptures offers some words with which to begin: I thank my God every time I remember you. Start there, and build on that.
The end of the year tasks are important, but sending a note to a hidden figure or two in your life could very well be one of the most important things you do. For you. And for them.
God bless your gratitude.
God bless our hidden figures.
+Pr. Char