Saturday, January 6, 2018


Darkened corners
Light moves on wings of grace
To awaken the sleeping, dead.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Reflections on the Heavenly Host

And suddenly
There was with the messenger

Suddenly -
Such a simple
Yet complicated word -
A word that
In the abruptness of its utterance
Barges in
Comes between
What was
And what is

Suddenly -
Things are different now
Than they were before
Suddenly -
What was
Is no longer
Suddenly -
What will be
Is changed from what might have been
Suddenly -
Divides the past
From the present
And alters the future

Suddenly -
The fields of the shepherds
Are no longer the same.
Suddenly -
The celestial bodies
Of the night sky
Are no longer
Mere pinpricks on the vault of heaven
Suddenly -
Holy wonder
Penetrates the liminal gap
Between earth and heaven,
Between mortal and eternal,
Between now and forever
Suddenly -
The night sounds
Are rendered mute
Beneath the thundering drone
Of the divine
Army of God.

Without warning

Suddenly -
There was with the messenger
A great regiment
Of the army of the sky
Legions of heavenly warriors
Appearing from realms unknown,
Hovering in visibility
Above the realm of the earth -
Suddenly -
What was
Is no longer,
What will be
Is not what might have been.

Suddenly -
The armies of heaven
Came to the earth
Filling the firmament
And covering this benighted sphere
With glory not before known
And sounds unexpected -
A message
Not of vengeance
But of mercy,
Not of war
But of peace.

Suddenly -
There was good news
Of great joy
Suddenly -
A Savior
The Messiah
The Lord
Had been born.
And the heavens
In telling the earth
That it was indeed so.

What was
Is no longer
What will be
Is changed from what might have been.

Suddenly -
The breath of heaven
Poured forth peace
Suddenly -
The descant of eternity
Glory to God

And yet
And yet
And yet

The empire still rules
The poor are still poor
The prisoners are still captive
The blind still cannot see
The oppressed are still not free
The refugee still flees
The suffering still suffer
The lonely still despair
The mighty still sit on their thrones
The lowly are still low
The hungry are still empty
The rich are still full
The dying still die.

And yet -
Suddenly -
What was
Is no longer
What will be
Is changed from what might have been.

And yet -
Suddenly -
In the middle of the night
The heavens sang
And so do we.

We sing
To push back against the night
We sing
To join our voices
With the army of the sky
We sing
To proclaim
Again and anew
In this time and place
Glory -
Glory to God in the highest
And peace
To God’s people on earth.

Suddenly -
What was
Is no longer
What will be
Is changed from what might have been.

We sing
Of the Word made flesh
And in our singing
The flesh becomes word
And the liminal gap
Between earth and heaven
Between mortal and eternal
Between now and forever
Thins to transparency
Once again
And we are in Bethlehem
And Bethlehem is here
The child born then
Is born again now
And we go and see
And live to make known
What was
Is no longer
What will be
Is changed from what might have been.

For to you is born this day,
In the city of David,
A Savior who is Christ the Lord.